Canonical Link Rel tag

I have a question that only SEO experts like there are here can answer me and I want to know what is Canonical Link Rel tag? What is it for? And how to apply it correctly? I am learning more every day about the world of SEO and backlinks so your help is very necessary.
cotetowemixx on January 12 at 10:27 AM in Professional Services
Interesting question. I also have website and canonical link rel tag is a great concept. David shared good information. I think you should read some articles about it. It will increase your knowledge and clear your concept as well.
on January 13 at 07:28 AM
7 Answer(s)

The Canonical Link Rel tag is an HTML tag used in the head section of a webpage to specify the preferred version of a URL when multiple URLs point to similar or identical content. It is primarily employed to address duplicate content issues, which can arise when the same content is accessible through different URLs.

The main purposes of the Canonical Link Rel tag are:

  1. Duplicate Content Management: Search engines strive to provide diverse and relevant results to users. Duplicate content can dilute the effectiveness of search results and impact the user experience. By using the Canonical tag, you can guide search engines to the preferred version of a page, consolidating the ranking signals for that specific URL.

  2. Consolidating Page Authority: When various versions of a page exist (e.g., HTTP and HTTPS, or with and without "www"), the Canonical tag helps to consolidate the page authority and avoid splitting link equity between multiple versions.

To implement the Canonical Link Rel tag correctly:

  1. Identify Duplicate Content: Determine the various URLs that lead to similar or identical content.

  2. Choose a Preferred URL: Decide which version of the content you want search engines to consider as the primary or canonical version.

  3. Insert the Canonical Tag: Place the following code in the head section of your HTML document, specifying the preferred URL:


    <link rel="canonical" href="" />

    Replace "" with the actual URL you want to set as the canonical version.

  4. Consistency is Key: Ensure that the Canonical tag is consistently applied across all versions of the page. This includes variations in protocol (HTTP vs. HTTPS), subdomains (www vs. non-www), and parameters.


Here's an example of how the Canonical tag might be used to address duplicate content caused by different URL versions:


<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Your Page Title</title> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <!-- Other head elements go here --> </head> <body> <!-- Page content goes here --> </body> </html>

By implementing the Canonical Link Rel tag correctly, you help search engines understand which version of the content to index and display in search results, minimizing potential duplicate content issues.

David Costa on January 12 at 12:13 PM
Hi I would like to add this is the same link as regular links
It is used to solve the problem of duplicate content, which can occur, for example, when there is pagination, when the same information is on multiple pages, or when there are multiple URLs for technical reasons. The Canonical Link Rel tag helps search engines understand which version of a page should be indexed and displayed in search results.
Irina Belous on January 13 at 09:31 AM
Such links are very necessary and especially useful when a site has multiple pages with the same or very similar content. In simple words, when you use the Canonical Link Rel tag, you help search engines understand what content should be presented in the search engine, solving the problem of duplicate content and increasing the visibility of your site. I also recommend you check out which is all about links.
Kristin on January 13 at 09:54 AM
Thanks for the useful information about the Canonical Link Rel tag! This tag really plays an important role in search engine optimization and solving duplicate content issues. I agree that it is especially useful when the site has many pages with similar content. The content on your website can be easily structured and visibility can be improved through proper use of the tag.
Adelaida on January 13 at 12:24 PM
The Canonical Link Rel tag is truly a powerful tool for search engine optimization. I agree with you about the importance of using this tag correctly, especially when there are many pages with similar content. Improving the content structure and website visibility are key points for effective optimization. If you have any other tips or advice on this topic, I would appreciate more information!
Nolttechnologies on January 13 at 01:04 PM
Using canonical link Rel tag, you will help avoid duplication of content, improve indexing by search engines and increase the overall search visibility of your web resource. For more information and details, you can easily search on internet as well as Google about these services.
Miller joy on January 13 at 01:16 PM
The Canonical Link Rel tag is used in SEO to specify the preferred version of a page when there are duplicates. It helps consolidate SEO authority and prevent content dilution. Apply it by adding <link rel="canonical" href="preferred-url"> to the non-canonical versions' HTML head, indicating the preferred URL.
Zernab on January 13 at 04:37 PM