What are wood pellets made of?

Hello! I'm thinking about switching to wood pellets for heating, but I'm wondering what exactly they're made of.
Does anyone use this type of heating? If so, please tell us what they are made of and is it effective to use them for heating?
Doll Meest on October 02 at 05:17 PM in Home and Garden
2 Answer(s)
Hello. I can say that wood pellets are a sustainable form of heating. They are mainly made from pressed sawdust, shavings and wood chips. These materials often come from sawmills and lumberyards. The process involves drying the raw material, grinding it into a fine powder, and then compressing it under high pressure without any binders or additives. The result is compact, energy-intensive pellets that burn efficiently and produce minimal emissions. If you are interested in making pellets yourself, then investing in a pellet machine is a great idea. I am in this business. for many years, and I can tell you that owning a pellet making machine can be a profitable venture. Find a reputable pellet machine manufacturer and make sure the machine is suitable for the type of wood you plan to use.
LUIwoin on October 02 at 05:18 PM
Wood pellets are the most common type of pellet fuel and are generally made from compacted sawdust and related industrial wastes from the milling of lumber, manufacture of wood products and furniture, and construction. ... They can be used as fuels for power generation, commercial or res...
Silnis on October 02 at 05:20 PM