Could anyone guide me on the steps to become a web3 developer?

Hey everyone! I'm interested in transitioning my career into the blockchain space, specifically as a web3 developer. I have a background in traditional web development and some knowledge of cryptocurrencies. Could anyone guide me on the steps to become a web3 developer? Any recommended resources or courses would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
ron 8 on July 20 at 03:40 PM in Questions about a business
1 Answer(s)
Sure, become a web3 developer is a great move! To start, build a strong foundation in blockchain technology and smart contracts. Familiarize yourself with Ethereum, Solidity, and other blockchain platforms like Polkadot, Binance Smart Chain, etc. Explore online resources, tutorials, and documentation. Hands-on projects will boost your skills. Consider taking specialized courses on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and even Romtos to learn in-depth. Engage with the web3 community, attend meetups, and join developer forums to stay updated. Your knowledge of traditional web development will be a bonus.
reiv on July 20 at 04:03 PM