What's your go-to post-race routine to bounce back quickly?

Just finished my first marathon last weekend and I'm still buzzing with excitement!  I wanted to ask you seasoned runners out there: any tips for recovering after a marathon? What's your go-to post-race routine to bounce back quickly? I'm eager to hear your experiences!
Nike Newmann on January 16 at 10:18 PM in Other question
3 Answer(s)
Good job, first of all!  Each person's road to recovery is unique, so do what works best for them. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (R.I.C.E.) is a protocol that I wholeheartedly support.  A compression garment and some elevation basketball stars might do wonders for your swollen legs after a run. Your body heals as you sleep, therefore sleep is like a hidden weapon!
Brian Workman on January 24 at 10:15 PM
Congrats on completing your first marathon! That's a huge achievement!  When it comes to recovery, I swear by a combination of active rest and proper nutrition https://ironhorse100kmclub.com/. Gentle activities like walking or cycling can help flush out the lactic acid, and don't underestimate the power of a good stretch. Hydration is key too!  Personally, I indulge in some protein-rich snacks and a warm bath to soothe those tired muscles.
Bill Flingstone on January 16 at 10:53 PM
First off, kudos to you!  Recovery is an individual journey, so find what suits your body best. I'm all about embracing the R.I.C.E. method: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.  Elevating your legs post-race can reduce swelling, and a compression garment works wonders. Sleep is a secret weapon too—your body heals during those zzz's! Nutrition-wise, load up on anti-inflammatory foods like berries and leafy greens. And hey, treat yourself to a sports massage; you've earned it! 
Drew Netters on January 16 at 11:31 PM