How do I make a gel manicure last longer?

How do I make a gel manicure last longer? What products do you use?
Matty Evans on November 28 at 10:13 AM in Other question
2 Answer(s)
To extend the lifespan of your gel manicure, start by preparing your nails properly. Clean them thoroughly, ensuring no oils or residues are present. Apply a bonder before the base coat to enhance adhesion. Opt for thin layers of gel polish, curing each coat adequately. Seal the edges of your nails to prevent chipping. Regularly apply a top coat to maintain shine and protect against wear. Moisturize your cuticles daily to prevent lifting. Avoid exposing your nails to harsh chemicals and wear gloves for chores. Lastly, schedule timely touch-ups to keep your gel manicure looking fresh.
Peter Conx on November 28 at 10:58 AM
I've found that the key lies not just in the products but in the prep. Firstly, ensure your nails are clean and dry. Then, I usually buy ACRYLICS from Kodi Professional and gels for that salon-quality finish. Their durability is unmatched! Also, don't skip the base coat—it's a game-changer. And, when applying the color, thin layers are your friends.

Once you're done, seal the deal with a high-quality top coat. It not only adds shine but extends the life of your manicure. Lastly, be kind to your nails; gloves are your allies when doing household chores.
Natalie Morrez on November 28 at 11:03 AM Edited