How To See My Child’s Incognito History?

My daughter sits in her laptop till night watching something, I am very worried that it was not some kind of games that later trap and force to perform tasks in life
Lizer89 on May 11 at 04:09 AM in Other question
2 Answer(s)
 Hi, I ran into the same problem. My son is 15 and he can play on the computer until morning and then sneak off in the morning to go somewhere with his friends. This scares me a lot because I have read several articles which said that there are games that force him to do some tasks in life and they can be dangerous. So by searching on the internet I found a site that helped me with this. I was able to look at his story on the Internet and very happy to see there are only racing games and soccer. But after that I talked to my son and told him my concerns and we discussed everything. 
Nikolaa on May 11 at 04:29 AM
Hi, I personally set up parental controls for my child and can watch his every move. But he is only 7 and doesn't know how to play on a computer yet and I feel like I might run into this problem too so I will take note. 
Della871 on May 11 at 04:34 AM