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  • Halyard Brewing Co. favorite
  • Business
  • 80 Ethan Allen Dr #2, South Burlington, VT 05403, United States
  • Halyard Brewing Co.
    Ginger beer was first brewed during the colonial spice trade, when ginger from southeast Asia and cane sugar from the Caribbean were fermented to produce a mildly alcoholic and wildly popular beer. Ginger beer was one of America’s favorite beverages until the 1920s when prohibition put a stop to the public production and sale of alcoholic ginger beer, leaving it largely forgotten. Over the last several years, Halyard has worked tirelessly to rediscover the lost art of brewing alcoholic ginger beer and reintroduce it to the American people.
    Half tea & HAlf Lemonade
    Half Lemonade & Half tea was created to ease you out of your winter hibernation. With a refreshing flavor that tastes as good as the smell of a fresh spring breeze rolling off of Mount Mansfield.
    River Pirate
    River Pirate is back with the same great flavors and ingredients as our classic brews just without the abv!
    80 Ethan Allen Dr #2, South Burlington, VT 05403, United States