Young, Berman, Karpf & Karpf, P.A.

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  • Young, Berman, Karpf & Karpf, P.A. favorite
  • Business
  • 1401 E Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, United States
    Founded in 1990, Young, Berman, Karpf & Karpf, P.A. combines experience, scholarship and talent in focused areas of legal practice. The firm’s lawyers routinely join efforts, drawing on expertise from their respective practice areas to collaborate on complex cases and use all available resources to fulfill clients’ objectives. As part of our goal to provide excellent legal services, the firm stays abreast of technological advances and employs the most advanced case-management technology for efficient handling of legal matters. Our attorneys take a personalized approach to each case, maintaining direct and close contact with our clients. Many of the firm’s cases originate through referrals from other law firms in Florida and the United States.