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  • X-Factor Marketing favorite
  • Business
  • 905 U.S. 321 #226, Hickory, NC 28601, USA
  • X-Factor Marketing
    Branding your company in today’s competitive landscape can be challenging. The abundance of marketing options, short attention spans, and intense online competition make it difficult to capture and retain your target audience’s attention. Additionally, budget constraints can further complicate the situation.
    When we work for you, we invest our time into understanding your company and its unique qualities. We’ll build a winning marketing and communications plan to meet and exceed your goals. If you have a sales team, we’ll integrate our efforts with theirs to maximize success. If you don’t have a sales team, the right kind of marketing can serve as one. We examine every phase of your marketing, including past efforts, competition, and your website and its ability to convert prospects into leads, onboarding protocol, and close rates.X-Factor’s holistic approach to sales and marketing integration ensures results with a more targeted ad spend, better prospects, and bottom-line growth!
    905 U.S. 321 #226, Hickory, NC 28601, USA