A N Deringer Inc - Champlain NY

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  • A N Deringer Inc - Champlain NY favorite
  • Business
  • 173 W Service Rd, Champlain, NY 12919, USA
  • https://www.anderinger.com
    As the largest privately-held US Customs broker, Deringer helps deliver value to you and your customers by providing integrated supply chain solutions including Customs Brokerage & Consulting, Logistics Solutions, Warehousing & Distribution, and USDA Meat Inspection.
    What about Deringer? Imagine for a moment, a truly unique logistics partner.

    Real people answer your call during all business hours
    No impersonal, automated phone systems or voicemail
    Inquiries and processing of shipments are handled near you and at other strategic points around the country
    Engaged, local representation in more than 30 customer service centers strategically located throughout the US
    24/7 service
    Easy access to the CEO and senior leadership
    Customized supply chain solutions tailored to your particular international trade-related business needs
    Welcome to the Deringer Difference

    Founded in 1919 by Alfred Neel Deringer, our privately-held corporation employs more than 450 supply chain professionals in North America. Over 40 percent of our operations personnel are licensed US or Canadian Customs Brokers or carry other specialized certifications.

    As the largest, privately-held Customs broker in North America—we rank 5th overall for the quantity of entries filed, Deringer helps deliver value to you and your customers by providing integrated supply chain solutions including:

    Customs Brokerage
    International transportation
    Warehousing and distribution
    Customs compliance consulting
    USDA meat inspection
    Our corporate headquarters remains in St. Albans, VT, where we were founded over 100 years ago. Our nationwide service centers are located at major air and vessel ports, along the US/Canada border, and are complemented by a global partnership network to facilitate the movement of cargo throughout our primary markets of North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim.