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  • The Cook Academy favorite
  • Business
  • 70 Essex Way, Essex Junction, VT 05452, United States
    The hands-on classes at Cook Academy are perfect for cooks of every level, whether you spend all your free time in the kitchen or leave the cooking to someone else. Our renowned chefs love to share their passion for food and are patient, supportive instructors who guide you step by step through the preparation of a delicious meal. You can expect to acquire new cooking techniques or hone the skills you already have, plus learn industry insights that can help you entertain at home.

    Classes are small, so each student gets personalized instruction. Most classes include a three- or four-course meal, and, best of all, you get to eat your results and take the recipes home with you. Class offerings vary throughout the year depending on the season and availability of fresh ingredients. Past courses have included cooking with Vermont beer, making fresh pasta, indoor grilling and vegetarian cooking. We also offer French and Italian wine classes that will make you an oenophile in record time.

    Our Chef’s Kitchen classroom offers an intimate space for up to eight students. The JK Adams classroom has room for 12 or more.