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  • I Am Body Boom favorite
  • Business
  • 61 Pierrepont Street, Apt 32, Brooklyn New York 11201
  • BodyBoom, a skincare marvel, champions the essence of women and self-acceptance. Crafted from a deep love for beauty, nature, and admiration for the diverse beauty of the human body, it becomes your devoted companion in daily skincare rituals. This skincare line bids adieu to excessive sebum, blackheads, dryness, and aging, pledging to combat all skin concerns and restore your innate beauty. With vegan formulations enriched with up to 99% natural ingredients, it becomes a trustworthy ally for all skin types, ensuring a pampering experience. Join the #PinkPower revolution, transcending beyond a hashtag, into a mindset that breaks free from societal beauty norms. Embrace your unique beauty with BodyBoom's magical touch and let it redefine your skincare journey, celebrating authenticity and self-love. Contact us at and let's embark on a transformative adventure where radiant skin meets empowered spirits.