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  • Pixie And Elf favorite
  • Business
  • 175/360 Kingsway, Caringbah NSW 2229, Australia
  •  Pixie and Elf is all about giving you great quality clothing for expressive wear. We want to make sure that you feel confident and look amazing when wearing our clothes, whether it's on the street or at your next special occasion. With a focus on unique designs and high-quality materials, we're committed to making sure you always look your best.

    Pixie and Elf is a Sydney based one-stop shop for top quality and sustainable apparel with a focus on quality graphic T shirts. With the help of various artists and our very own designs, we were able to create a collection of T shirts that stands out in the crowd. We are employing high-end technological advancements and provide worldwide access to our customers at prices that are both affordable and durable.