The Mobility of Beauticians
In theory, beauty salons have low investment and low risk. Even if they are poorly managed, there will not be significant losses when they close down. The low threshold of entry has led to an influx of small and medium-sized investors. Beauticians are not only a profession with strong practical experience, but also a common choice for young women with low education to find employment, limited by social experience and knowledge level, A more professional beautician needs to practice in the market for at least 1-2 years. The speed of creating a beauty salon greatly exceeds the training speed of professional beauticians, making beauticians with strong practical experience very popular, and the job hopping of beauticians is naturally very frequent; On the other hand, due to the low entry threshold for beauty salons, some outstanding beauticians have also opened their own beauty salons after having a certain financial foundation, further exacerbating the pressure on the demand for beauticians.
The flow of beauticians may not necessarily be a bad thing for the beautician themselves, but it is definitely not a good thing for the operators of beauty salons. The loss is not only due to the loss of excellent personnel but also due to the loss of customer resources.
Competition in the beauty salon
It is an undeniable fact in the industry that hundreds of cosmetics manufacturers are competing for a beauty salon. However, while the competition for beauty salons among cosmetics manufacturers has become increasingly fierce, the customer competition between beauty salons is also fierce, often with four to five in a medium-sized community and a dozen in larger communities competing together. Due to the strong competitive pressure, they had to shift some of the pressure towards upstream manufacturers, and the bustling presence of manufacturers gave them the weight to shift the pressure.
Management of beauty salons
The social experience and educational background of beauticians determine the overall quality of beauticians in the whole industry. Since the beauty industry is a service industry, the professionalism, standardization, and corresponding service details of the service directly affect consumers' recognition of beauty salons. The low overall quality of beauticians puts forward higher requirements for beauty salon managers; However, most beauty salon managers themselves are generated from beauticians, and their advantage is that they have accumulated some industry management experience through osmosis, but these empirical things still have a considerable gap from the professionalism and standardization of services.
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