Resecurity, Inc., a leading cybersecurity firm based in Los Angeles, USA, has teamed up with ICS Technologies IRAQ, a prominent ICT System Integration Company headquartered in Baghdad. This strategic collaboration aims to bolster nationwide cybersecurity, fraud prevention, and risk intelligence efforts in Iraq. Resecurity, known for safeguarding Fortune 500 companies and global government agencies, brings its cutting-edge intelligence-driven defensive solutions to Iraq through this partnership. ICS Technologies IRAQ, a key player in Iraq's ICT sector, contributes its local expertise and extensive market knowledge to the alliance.


The partnership is poised to address the evolving threat landscape in Iraq's digital infrastructure, providing advanced cybersecurity tools and tailored solutions. Resecurity's specialization in cyber threat intelligence, threat hunting, and digital risk management complements ICS Technologies IRAQ's commitment to delivering customized, effective solutions. This collaboration comes at a critical juncture when both public and private sectors in Iraq are increasingly reliant on digital infrastructure, making cybersecurity a top priority.


Key aspects of the partnership include Resecurity's provision of state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions, leveraging its advanced technology and data science. ICS Technologies IRAQ contributes its deep understanding of the local market and regulations, ensuring the partnership effectively addresses the unique challenges within the region. The collaboration emphasizes delivering tailored cybersecurity solutions to meet the specific needs of Iraqi businesses and organizations, coupled with comprehensive training to maintain a secure digital environment.


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