Cyber threats, organizations grapple with the paramount challenge of securing their digital assets. As a response, the role of developers is undergoing a significant transformation. “10 Tips for Shifting Left with GitLab” GitLab's 2022 Global DevSecOps survey highlights a noteworthy trend—over half of developers now claim full responsibility for security in their organizations, marking a 14% increase from the previous year. This shift left in security practices, characterized by designing software with integrated security best practices to detect and fix vulnerabilities early in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), is proving to be instrumental in fortifying an organization's security posture. More importantly, it enables teams to run more efficiently and release software at an accelerated pace.

Here are 10 essential tips to guide your teams in successfully shifting left with GitLab, ensuring a more efficient and secure DevSecOps approach:

  • Measure Time: Initiate the shift left journey by quantifying the time spent remediating vulnerabilities after code merges. Identify patterns in the types or sources of vulnerabilities and make necessary adjustments for improvement. This time measurement provides valuable insights into the efficiency of vulnerability resolution processes.
  • Identify Bottlenecks: Pinpoint pain points and bottlenecks between security protocols and processes. Once identified, create and execute a resolution plan to streamline workflows, reducing delays, and enhancing overall efficiency in the development pipeline.
  • Demonstrate Compliance: Is unplanned and unscheduled work causing delays in software releases? Automate and implement compliance frameworks to ensure consistency across development environments, teams, and applications. This not only fosters compliance but also reduces unexpected obstacles in the release process.
  • Ditch the Toolchain: Streamline and reduce the toolchain to provide employees with a single interface—a single source of truth. Minimizing the toolchain allows developers to focus their attention on critical tasks, fostering increased efficiency and collaboration.

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  • Automate Scans: Are manual processes slowing down vulnerability discovery and resolution? Automate findings into a merge request for easier review, finding sources, and accessibility for developers to address promptly. Automation ensures a more agile response to security threats.
  • Eliminate Waterfall: Move away from waterfall-style security processes within the SDLC. By eliminating or reducing waterfall processes, organizations can prevent struggles to change direction as needs arise, promoting a more adaptive and responsive security approach.
  • Security Reports: Ensure developers have access to Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) reports. These tools empower development teams to build secure coding practices by fixing vulnerabilities as an integral part of their workflow.
  • Smarter Teams: Empower the security team with security dashboards providing insights into both resolved and unresolved vulnerabilities. This includes details on where vulnerabilities reside, who created them, and their status for remediation. Smarter teams leverage data-driven insights for more informed decision-making.
  • Start Small: Encourage small code changes as they are easier to review, secure, and launch more quickly than large project changes. Starting small accelerates the development process and makes it more manageable and secure.
  • Update Workflows: Integrate security scans into developers' workflows to find and fix vulnerabilities before the code leaves their hands. This proactive approach ensures that security measures are an integral and seamless part of the development process, reducing the likelihood of vulnerabilities slipping through.

Shift Left with GitLab:

GitLab stands as a beacon for organizations seeking to initiate a proactive security strategy, discovering vulnerabilities earlier in the SDLC. Security and compliance are embedded within The One DevOps Platform, providing an end-to-end DevSecOps workflow. With GitLab, organizations can automatically scan for vulnerabilities on feature branches, enabling them to remediate issues before pushing code to production.

GitLab empowers organizations to innovate faster, scale more easily, and serve and retain customers more effectively. By embracing the 10 tips for shifting left with GitLab, organizations can enhance their security posture while achieving greater efficiency in their DevSecOps processes. This leads to faster and more secure software releases and establishes a robust foundation for adapting to evolving cybersecurity challenges. GitLab's commitment to a proactive security approach aligns with the ever-growing demands of the digital landscape, providing a comprehensive solution for organizations aiming to stay ahead in the realm of cybersecurity.

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  • Phone: 080-28473200 / +91 8880 38 18 58
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  • Address: #100, Varanasi Main Road, Bangalore 560036.
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