How to submit a Research Paper in IJSRET Journal?

How to Publish a Research Paper in IJSRET Journal?

IJSRET is a well known journal among the scientific and engineering research sector. This journal publishes research papers related to science & engineering research trends since last decade. Although it's a paid journal, the quality of research articles and papers is good enough to get a high impact factor in this field. 

Why select IJSRET?

There are many websites that provide a list of international journals. Ijsret is one of those journals that publish international research papers or articles on their platform.

Full name of this journal is International journal of Scientific research and engineering trends. These journals publish research papers in the field of science and engineering.

Its impact factor is more than 2.5. in the field of scientific research and engineering trends more than 2.0 impact factor considered good. That shows the quality of content on this platform is good.

Apart from that, this Ijrset review time is quite less  compared to other international journals that come in this range. Which makes it different from others.

Issues per year - this journal supports quality over quantity so they do not accept every journal that submitted to its website. Despite low publication charges. Because the main motive of this journal is to promote quality content among the academics. So its frequency is not that high. They released only 6 issues per year.

Publishing charges – As it mentioned we support quality over quantity so we kept our publication charges as low as possible so that anybody who has good content can publish their research in less time. The IJSRET Journal’s publication charges are less than $50.

 How to publish research article in IJSRET  Journal

Most of the journal websites asked for the similar content that is needed to publish one's research so IJSRET follows the same. Here we are going to share how individuals can publish their research paper in IJSRET Journal. 

Steps to publish research papers in Ijsret:-

  • Firstly, go to the website's paper submission section.
  • A form will open on screen.
  • Fill the details asked in the form like author name, contact number, Email. Id, etc.
  • Secondly, fill details like- the paper's title, and an abstract of the paper so that one can have a brief idea about the research topic. Then upload the paper or manuscript.
  • After filling all the mandatory details, recheck the information because any tiny mistake can cause rejection so submit it carefully.
  • After submission the team will review the paper. And suggest, recommend, or reject the paper.
  • If the paper passed all inspections then it got published on the journal's site.
  • Where people can find your work and cite them into their work easily.
Posted in Other on September 20 at 07:21 AM

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