
Basic Life Support with Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a critical procedure in saving the life of a person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding BLS with AED. In this article, we will discuss some common misconceptions about BLS with AED.

AEDs are complicated to use

AEDs are designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. They provide simple voice and visual prompts that guide the user through the process. In fact, studies have shown that untrained individuals can use an AED effectively.

You need to be a healthcare provider to use an AED

While healthcare providers are required to have proper training and certification to use an AED, anyone can use an AED in an emergency. Many public places, such as airports and shopping malls, have AEDs available for public use.

AEDs can harm the patient

AEDs are designed to analyze the heart rhythm of the patient and deliver a shock only if necessary. They are programmed to detect and deliver the appropriate amount of energy needed to restore normal heart rhythm. AEDs are safe to use and have been proven to save lives.

CPR is not necessary if an AED is available

basic life support with AED . CPR helps circulate blood to the vital organs of the body until the AED arrives. It also helps maintain oxygen supply to the brain. CPR should be performed until the AED is ready to use.


BLS with AED is a life-saving procedure that can significantly increase the chances of survival for a person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It is important to dispel the common misconceptions surrounding BLS with AED to ensure that people are not afraid to use them in an emergency. Remember to always call for emergency medical services and perform CPR until the AED arrives.

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