Homework for me

Hi! I'm in my first year of university, and it's been about a month since I started. I'm finding it a bit challenging to keep up with all the assignments. I could really use some assistance with my homework.
lisamoo on October 04 at 06:50 PM in Other question
1 Answer(s)
As a student overwhelmed with homework, I stumbled upon this blog during a late-night study session, and I'm glad I did. The articles here shed light on the challenges faced by students and provide well-thought-out solutions. The site offers a wide range of tips, from time management techniques to effective study habits. While some articles lacked a cohesive flow, the information shared was still relevant and helpful. For additional guidance on how to cope with the never-ending homework load, I suggest visiting this site and exploring the diverse suggestions available.
maddyrue on October 04 at 07:53 PM