What is a horoscope?

One of the features of astrology is such a thing as the compilation of an individual horoscope. A horoscope is a rather useful and necessary thing, and no matter what skeptics say, horoscopes have already helped many people. By themselves, horoscopes are a purely individual thing and the process of compiling a horoscope is not such a simple thing as it might seem at first glance. To make a more accurate horoscope, you need to know the location of the planets, angles, stars, and so on. Without these components, a horoscope, so to speak, is no longer a horoscope.

Horoscope is a word, again, of Greek origin. The literal translation is observation of time intervals. In the usual sense, a horoscope is a kind of diagram that makes it clear how the planets and stars are located in a given period of time. Previously, a horoscope was called nothing more than an Ascendant or an ascending sign. Now the horoscope is not a rising sign at all, but a sign where the Sun is located. In addition, astrological forecasts are also called horoscopes.
findcarmailer on September 06 at 03:16 PM in Other question
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