How easy is it to register your business for EPR?

Hi everyone!!! I've heard about the need to register for EPR and want to look into this issue. Maybe someone has already encountered this? What documents are needed and what is the registration process? I would be grateful for information!
Nikki on August 26 at 07:39 PM in Questions about a business
1 Answer(s)
Yes, I have dealt with registering for EPR and can share my experience. I recommend to pay attention to the website . There is detailed information there about the registration process, required documents and steps to apply. I have used their service myself and was pleasantly surprised how easy and conveniently everything is organized. As for timelines, the VATCompliance website also has information about timeframes. Usually the registration process takes some time, as the application needs to be processed by the competent authorities. I would recommend applying early so that you have enough time to complete all the necessary paperwork.
Hanna on August 27 at 07:29 PM Edited