Karls Upholstery Cleaning in St Kilda

Karls Upholstery Cleaning in St Kilda favorite
Business Type:
14 Davisons Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Karls Couch Cleaning Melbourne company provides professional upholstery cleaning services with under-trained staff who are able to tackle all the importance of keeping fabrics clean and timely for the long life of fiber materials and keeping it stains-free. With our quick service, our staff at Upholstery Cleaning in St Kilda will ensure that all of the fabric couches are safe without damage. We are a dedicated, trustworthy firm that takes pride in offering excellent services and complete client satisfaction with utilize the most advanced and eco-friendly chemical-free cleaning products available for no side effects after a long-time and removing deep stains.

Book today's appointment on 03 6121 9049 so that we can send experts over immediately.

Our different kinds of Services include:

  1. Upholstery Mould and Odour Removal
    2. Upholstery Disinfect Sanitization Service
    3. Upholstery Encapsulation Water Damage Restoration
    4. End of Lease Upholstery Cleaning
    5. Sofa Steam Cleaning and Steam Heat Extraction
    6. Upholstery Shampooing And Warm Water Cleaning

Info id: info@karlscouchcleaningmelbourne.com.au