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  • Business
  • 34 Elliot St, Papakura, Auckland 2110, New Zealand
  • 093032646
  • Demolition in NZ is a process of removing an existing building or structure, by breaking it down into its component parts. The process can be done using a variety of methods, depending on the type of demolition being performed. In general, demolition can be divided into three stages: preparatory, operative and post-operative. In the preparatory stage, workers remove any combustible materials from around the building before starting demolition. This includes things like insulation and furniture. The operative stage is where the actual breaking down of the structure takes place.

    Deconstruction in NZ is the process of dismantling an object, usually one that has been damaged or is no longer needed. This may involve removing parts one by one so that the original structure and components can be seen. Deconstruction may also involve restoring the original pieces in a new or different way, often making them more sustainable.