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  • eDOC Innovations, Inc. favorite
  • Business
  • 1197 Exchange St, Middlebury, VT 05753, USA
  • eDOC Innovations, Inc.

    Mobile enterprise, eSignatures and our remote closing and fulfillment capabilities are creating a new generation of opportunities for businesses who embrace the mobile revolution.

    With mobile-empowered clients and members changing their business behaviors and seeking a digital experience, eDOCSignature mDTM® is empowering them to complete intuitive and safe digital transactions anytime, anywhere on any mobile device.

    Automate all digital transaction processes and image acquisition to create a mobile culture of digital document exchange that drives engagement and sustainability and increases closure of business opportunities.

    Increase transaction automation and remove friction in the process. Digital transactions today have monetary value. Protect the value of your digital assets by adopting eDOCSignature mDTM today.

    Our state-of-the-art management platform provides enterprise level management functions that empowers you to safely and securely manage your digital assets while upholding the highest of quality.

    Manage digital transaction content, apply retention models, mitigate risk and ensure compliance. Item processing, digital check, two day return and digital asset management.