Edgar Massage and Chakra Balance

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  • Edgar Massage and Chakra Balance favorite
  • Business
  • 5215 S 28th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55417, United States
  • https://edgardennis.com/

    Massage along with energy chakra balance healing can provide release of physical and mental stress to help allow your spirit to be relaxed and carefree.

    When we balance our energy, we feel lighter and more at ease. The chakra balance technique I provide will ensure all seven chakras are open and any old energy not serving you any longer is released. When your chakras are open you will approach everything in a more positive and assertive way. If they are closed, you may be dealing with issues in a passive or an aggressive way. So consider adding a chakra balance healing to your massage session or as a separate service. During a healing session I will explain all about chakras, so no need to read up before your session, unless you want to.
    Deep Tissue, Swedish, Sports, LIght Touch and Chakra Balance Healing Services. Near Minneapolis Airport in South Minneapolis