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  • Parsnippity Farm (Abundant Acres) favorite
  • Business
  • 241 Old East Rd, Fort Fairfield, ME 04742, USA
    Abundant Acres offers more than 200 varieties of heirloom tomato plants, about 60 varieties of heirloom pepper plants, and 19 varieties of heirloom eggplant plants, as well as a number of herbs.

    We strongly oppose the release of GMO (genetic modified organism) food crops. We sell only open-pollinated (non-hybrid) and heirloom varieties because we care about wholesome, healthful foods, free of unnatural human tinkering.

    We love the sense of continuity we feel with growers of past generations, whenever we harvest heirloom produce in our own garden! We enjoy growing crops that have been saved by generations of growers because they have genuinely good characteristics that have been, and continue to be, of value to gardeners like us! And like so many other gardeners, we feel that heirloom varieties often taste better than the rigid faux-veggies that have been foisted upon unwary consumers for the convenience of big agri-business! So we support taking control over our diet, health, and pesticide-free heirloom plant at a time!
    241 Old East Rd, Fort Fairfield, ME 04742, USA