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  • Authors Who Lead favorite
  • Business
  • 701 Tillery St Suite 12-152 Austin, TX 78702
  • 512-961-8488
  • Meet Azul Hey, I’m Azul. I went from being an unknown school teacher to a bestselling author, but I wasn’t always that confident that I could do it. I didn’t know I was dyslexic until I flunked English when I was at UCLA. That discovery explained why writing and reading were such a struggle and it motivated me. I went on to graduate with a Master’s degree and became a teacher, an English teacher of course. That path led me to guide hundreds of students to write and become published authors. In 2014, one of my eighth-grade students asked me, “Hey, Mr. Terronez, where’s your book?” That question was a tough one. I hadn’t written my book yet.