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  • Gooplan favorite
  • Business
  • Bela Vista São Paulo, State Of São Paulo, 01310-904 Brasil
  • Gooplan appears on the commercial scene as an excellent option for those who want to shop and discover leisure opportunities at incredibly affordable prices. Using our services, you can have, with just one click or touch, access to the best products, plan your trip or event and many other possibilities that your location offers. This is possible thanks to Gooplan's partnerships with companies, which allows the customer to be offered the best benefits in real time.

    Since its creation, Gooplan has sought to evolve the businesses it offers, as well as simplify and improve user access to services. Essentially, our focus is the consumer, as we offer them a vast platform of benefits, allowing them to find (on the website and in the app) what they need, when they want and wherever they are.

    Using different tools to personalize and speed up navigation and search, Gooplan users have thousands of offers at their fingertips to choose from, depending on their needs and where they are at the moment. By offering these services, Gooplan aims to bridge the gap between people and services that offer the best prices and benefits, through an efficient connection that satisfies customers in the online shopping sector.