
Mobilla favorite
Business Type:
8, Ratan Bldg, 4th Floor, Swami Vivekananda Rd, near Gokul Shopping Centre, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092
Company Number:

Mobilla is one of India’s top manufacturers of mobile accessories and lifestyle products. We started in the year 2010 and our motto is, “Har Pal Ke Liye” to accompany you at every moment of your life, enhancing your mobile experience with our wide range of mobile accessories and lifestyle products like earphones, neckbands headphones, speakers, smartwatches, power banks and more. We know the important role gadgets play in our day-to-day lives. With our product, we aim to improve your productivity with the vast variety of features that they offer while adding to your comfort and convenience with their ergonomic and durable design. Knowing the great potential that India possesses and to support the Make in India initiative of the Government of India, we have taken advantage of this programme by setting up 3 manufacturing plants in India. We are on a mission to enable everyone with an active lifestyle!