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  • Anthemionflowers favorite
  • Business
  • 499 Thivon Egaleo, Egaleo 12243
  • 30 21 0531 3623
  • I want to send flowers to Greece.

    I am a fan of fresh flowers, and it's not surprising that I love the idea of sending them as gifts for special occasions. The only problem is that I live in America, and it can be hard to find out how much they will cost or even where they should go if you don't know someone who lives there already. That's why I was so happy when I found out about Flower Delivery Greece by Anthemionflowers ! They make it easy for anyone like me who wants to send some fresh blooms over seas but doesn't know where exactly those blossoms should go (or how much). They offer several different kinds of bouquets depending on how much money you want spend; if this sounds good then go ahead and order yourself some beautiful flowers today!