Online Quran Classes | Online Memorization of the 30 para of the Quran

As of my last update in September 2021, there were various online platforms and websites that offered Quran classes and memorization courses. These online Quran classes services aimed to help individuals learn and memorize the Quran from the comfort of their homes. However, please note that the specific details and availability of such services may have changed since then.

To find online Quran classes and memorization courses, you can try the following steps:

Search Online

Use search engines like Google or Bing to look for "Online Quran classes" or "Online Quran memorization courses." This will give you a list of websites and platforms offering these services.

Read Reviews and Testimonials

Once you find potential online platforms or instructors, read reviews and testimonials from previous students. Moreover, this will help you gauge the quality of their teaching and the effectiveness of their memorization programs.

Check Curriculum and Teaching Methodology

Look for information about the curriculum they follow and their teaching methodology. Ensure that they have qualified instructors who are experienced in teaching Quranic studies and memorization.

Verify Credibility

Check if the platform or website is credible and reputable. Look for any affiliations or certifications that might indicate their authenticity.

Compare Pricing and Schedules

Compare the pricing of different online courses and check if the class schedules align with your availability.

Contact the Provider

If you have any questions or specific requirements, don't hesitate to reach out to the course provider and ask for more details before enrolling.

Ask for Recommendations

If you know someone who has taken online Quran classes for kids or memorization courses, ask for their recommendations.

Please be cautious when providing personal information or making any payments online. Ensure that you are using a secure website and check for user reviews or ratings to help verify the legitimacy of the service.

Always remember that memorizing the Quran is a noble and spiritual endeavor, so approach it with sincerity, dedication, and respect for the sacred text.

Online Quran Classes | Learn the last surah with Tajweed and easy way

Learning the last surah (chapter) of the Quran, Surah Al-Nas (Chapter 114), with Tajweed (the rules of Quranic recitation) can be a beautiful and rewarding experience. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can do it easily:

Find a Reputable Online Quran Learning Platform

Look for reputable websites or online platforms that offer Quranic studies and Tajweed courses. Ensure that they have qualified instructors who can teach Tajweed effectively.

Learn the Basics of Tajweed

Before diving into Surah Al-Nas, it's essential to learn the basics of Tajweed. Tajweed involves correct pronunciation, articulation, and intonation of Arabic letters and Quranic verses. Understanding Tajweed rules will enhance your recitation and make it melodious and accurate.

Practice Arabic Alphabet and Pronunciation

If you are new to Arabic, start by learning the Arabic alphabet and basic pronunciation. Tajweed is closely related to the correct articulation of Arabic letters.

Learn the Meaning and Tafsir (Exegesis)

Understanding the meaning and interpretation (Tafsir) of Surah Al-Nas is important for a more profound connection with the verses. Your online course may include Tafsir as part of the curriculum.

Recite and Repeat

Practice reciting Surah Al-Nas regularly. Start with slow and clear recitation, focusing on pronouncing each letter correctly. As well, repeat it multiple times to reinforce your memorization.

Listen to Qualified Reciters

Listen to qualified Quranic reciters who apply Tajweed rules while reciting Surah Al-Nas. This will help you develop an ear for proper Tajweed and pronunciation.

Seek Feedback from Qualified Instructors

In an online Quran class, take advantage of the instructors' expertise. Submit your recitation for feedback and corrections. They can guide you on where to improve and provide personalized tips.

Use Visualization Techniques

Create mental images or associations for the verses of Surah Al-Nas. Visualizing the words can aid in memorization.

Recite in Prayer

Once you feel confident in your memorization, incorporate Surah Al-Nas in your daily prayers. This practice will reinforce your memory and give you the opportunity to recite it correctly in a prayer context.

Consistency and Patience

Memorizing the learn Quran online with Tajweed requires time, effort, and patience. Be consistent in your practice, and don't get discouraged by challenges.

Remember that learning the Quran, especially with Tajweed, is a spiritual journey. Also, approach it with sincerity and devotion, seeking the blessings and guidance of Allah throughout your learning process.


In conclusion, online Quran classes offer a convenient and accessible way for individuals to learn and memorize the Quran from their homes. These classes can cover various aspects, including Quranic recitation with Tajweed, memorization of specific surahs, and understanding the meanings and interpretations of the verses.

When looking for online Quran classes for kids, it's essential to find reputable platforms with qualified instructors who can teach Tajweed effectively. Learning the basics of Tajweed and practicing Arabic pronunciation are crucial steps before diving into memorization.

For those seeking to memorize the last surah, Surah Al-Nas (Chapter 114), a step-by-step approach is recommended. This includes understanding the meaning and Tafsir of the surah, consistent practice, seeking feedback from instructors, and incorporating the memorized surah into daily prayers.

Throughout the process of learning the Quran, sincerity, dedication, and respect for the sacred text are paramount. By approaching Quranic studies with a heartfelt desire to connect with the words of Allah, individuals can embark on a fulfilling spiritual journey and deepen their understanding of Islam.

Posted in Other on July 20 at 01:42 PM

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