QuickBooks has been consistently acclaimed as the best accounting solution for small-scale enterprises & Intuit has been diligently incorporating all the feedback received from users into this software.

Sometimes QB users cannot access their essential data present within the company file soon after installing fresh QB Desktop updates on the computer. This problem is usually called the ‘QuickBooks Data Missing After Update’ problem & you need to tackle it swiftly to get back your data.

Here, you shall obtain the most reliable techniques for the precise elimination of this technical issue.

Are you highly disturbed due to the ‘QuickBooks Data Missing After Update’ problem? You can dial +1-855-948-3646 to get help from our QB Specialists Team.

Main Factors That Can Provoke ‘Data Missing After Update in QB Desktop’ Problem

The following reasons are known to trigger the ‘Data Missing After Update in QB Desktop’ problem:

  1. Any discrepancy in the company file data can result in this technical problem on the system.
  2. A defective update process & outdated Windows versions can also provoke this issue on the computer.

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What Are the Reliable Techniques to Rectify ‘QB Desktop Data Cannot Be Found’ Problem?

You can tackle the ‘QB Desktop Data Cannot Be Found’ problem by using the techniques explained here:

Technique 1: Suitably restore the backup data file on the system to get back all your data successfully

  1. In this technique, you need to first access the ‘File’ menu inside the QB application & then you can hit the ‘Open or Restore Company’ tab, after which you shall only need to tap the ‘Restore a backup copy’ button.
  2. Thereafter, you must hit the ‘Local Backup’ option & then you can easily move to the location where your backup data file is presently stored on the computer.
  3. Afterward, easily select & launch the relevant folder where you want to save the restored data file via the ‘Open’ option & then you can simply hit the ‘Save’ button to successfully save the restored data file on the computer.

Technique 2: Resolve all the data damage problems by using the ‘Verify & Rebuild Data Utility’ on your company file

  1. First & foremost, effectively access the ‘File’ menu within the QB Desktop application & then you should tap the ‘Verify Data’ icon provided inside the ‘Utilities’ tab on the window.
  2. Once the ‘Verify Data’ utility has finished its execution, you will get a detailed list on the computer’s screen that will inform you about all the data damage present inside the company file.
  3. Now, you must move to the ‘File’ menu to successfully click on the ‘Utilities’ tab & then you are required to hit the ‘Rebuild Data’ icon present on the screen.
  4. At this point, QB shall ask you to create & save a fresh backup copy of the data file & once you have done so, the ‘Rebuild Data’ utility will easily tackle all the data damage found inside the company file.
  5. Finally, you should move to the QB application to successfully get access to the relevant company file stored on the computer.

By using these verified techniques in the correct order, you can fully eliminate the ‘QuickBooks Data Missing After Update’ problem. For more help, dial +1-855-948-3646 to contact our QB Professionals Team.

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