Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a potent tool for reaching your target market and increasing brand awareness. An Adsense Alternative for publishers might help you take advantage of growth chances for your brand that you might otherwise pass over.

However, they aren't the only platforms available. You can diversify your campaign profile, your ad spend, and even the audience you're reaching by using alternative PPC platforms. In this piece, we'll walk you through three of the best other possibilities and assist you in determining which are ideal for you.

PPC advertising enables you to get in front of a sizable audience of individuals who are already looking for information about the products and services of your company with website monetization. 

Here is an explanation of how it functions:

  • To determine the requirements of your target audience, you do research.
  • You target particular user demographics, keywords, and interests that are pertinent to them.
  • Your adverts are clicked by users in search results 
  • How much you pay depends on how many clicks you produce.

  1. Smarty Ads

A programmatic media buying platform (DSP) provided by SmartyAds links advertisers with prestigious international publishers, SSPs, and ad networks and alternatives to PPC that serve a variety of audiences. Cross-device and cross-channel targeting features configured in the self-serve DSP dashboard make it simple to track these audiences. By using precise targeting, advertisers only display advertising to the appropriate audience, saving money on impressions that are unsuccessful.

  1. Epom

Advertisers may reach consumers with display, video, and mobile app advertisements thanks to the Epom ad server. The Epom Ad Marketplace offers a 30-day trial during which you may get up to 1 billion free impressions, which is one of its distinctive selling factors. In order to provide advertisers with a wider reach and more targeting choices to strengthen their campaigns, they have also worked with a number of different publisher platforms, including InMobi, AdMob, and Millennial Media.

  1. Taboola

Taboola is not an ad network; it is a recommendation engine. Taboola displays material on publisher websites like Yahoo! News and The Huffington Post (among others) in the form of widgets that are tailored to each user's interests.

The service also features a built-in e-commerce platform that allows advertisers to set up product feeds for automated email or RSS delivery, so they don't have to manually submit new content every time it becomes available.

If you wish to move from Facebook Ads, this might be the best AdSense PPC because you're only charged when someone clicks on your widget.

  1.  AdRoll

Retargeting and multi-device display advertising services are provided by AdRoll, a monetization platform. Their staff provides first-rate assistance so you may make the most of retargeting to the fullest extent, and their retargeting option is available for ads on Facebook, Twitter, and a great number of other websites. If you're new to retargeting and in need of some assistance getting up to speed, check it out.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Alternative PPC for Publisher Platform

There are a few factors to take into account while selecting an alternate PPC advertising platform or opting to add one to complement Google Ads. 

When choosing where to position PPC advertising, it's crucial to have a thorough understanding of your target audience, their demographics, and the platforms they use. You should also think about the platform's pricing and bidding structures, as well as how the creative alternatives for the ad formats fit with your brand's requirements.

Finally, think about your marketing team's skills. Is it time to enlist the assistance of a company that provides PPC management services or CPM ad networks, or can you comfortably accept the risk of exploring other PPC advertising channels? 

Best Alternative to PPC Platform - 7Search PPC 

Popular pay-per-click (PPC) ad network 7Search PPC provides publishers with a selection of ad styles and targeting choices. It is a good substitute for Google AdSense, particularly for those seeking a platform that is more adaptable and configurable.

Particularly for certain niches, 7Search PPC offers some of the highest CPM rates in the market. Display advertisements, native ads, and video ads are just a few of the several ad forms that 7Search PPC provides. This enables publishers to select the ad formats that will connect with their audience the most. Contextual, interest-based, and demographic targeting are just a few of the targeting choices available through 7Search PPC. Publishers may target the most relevant audience possible with their adverts thanks to this.

7Search PPC offers excellent customer support to its publishers.


There are a variety of alternatives to AdSense for publishers looking for revenue streams. Taboola, Epom, Adroll, Smart Ads, and 7Search PPC are a few of the most well-liked substitutes. It is crucial to pick the platform that is best for you and your website monetization because each of these has benefits and drawbacks of its own.

Testing on a new platform and evaluating what works with just a small amount of your advertising spend is never harmful. You never know what might function better than you ever imagined and perhaps at a lower cost than different systems you have already used. And if not, you can always keep to different platforms instead!


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