Video game genres

Hello! What genre of video games do you like to play the most?
I adore action-adventure games. My favorite is BioShock from 2007 to now. It's a great first-person shooter where you must modify your DNA to strengthen and improve your abilities. If you have not ever played it I recommend you do this. It is an incredible game.
Iren May on February 01 at 02:49 PM in Other question
11 Answer(s)
Hello, I adore role-playing games like The Elder Scrolls and The Witcher. I really like all sorts of fictional universes, and magical things. I play a lot of games in general, because it's my favorite thing to do and I do it every day. I like playing online the most because that way I get to play with real people. I find it more interesting than playing alone. I've played every game on this list BioShock is also a great game, but I like fantasy more than sci-fi. 
Christina Bodnar on February 02 at 01:57 AM