Appliance Repair Technician Jobs in Regina

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  • Appliance Repair Technician Jobs in Regina favorite
  • Business
  • 1965 Broad St suite 200, Regina, SK S4P 0R1, Canada
  • We are looking for qualified, experienced appliance repair technicians to service Regina, Saskatchewan, and the surrounding area! Our company has been around for more than 25 years. We have a strong focus on customer service and are an excellent employer. There are full-time positions available. Benefits include medical insurance and sick leave, as well as life insurance. You should be able to repair most of the home appliances that you rent.
    Duties include communicating with customers, visiting them, maintaining high service standards, and diagnosing and repairing gas appliances, range hoods, stoves, ovens, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers and refrigerators.